Photo: Jen Packard

If you’re living with persistent pain, I get it. I’ve been there.

Living with pain stops us from doing what we love and feeling like ourselves.

But I also want to say something else. There is hope.

It is possible to feel so much better in your body, without yet another course of medical intervention, without huge expense, a big time commitment. I am living proof, and so are my clients!

If you’re ready to feel better, and ready to try something different …

use this link to drop me a line. We’ll have a conversation about how it works and what you can expect (you might be surprised by how quickly you’ll start to see results!).

Curious but not quite ready?

Let’s keep the conversation going. Click here to get on my email list and receive receive a free live yoga from home class.


Join me for a class! You’ll be in such good company. (Yoga beginners always welcome.)

Thursday Morning Yoga, 11AM - 12PM ET, live on zoom from the comfort of your own space.

Photo: Jen Packard

This is your midweek date with yourself to slow down, tune in to your body, stretch out long, move, breathe, and feel refreshed and invigorated for the day.

This class is for: anyone seeking gentle full body activating movement. Class includes seated, reclined, and standing poses with lots of options provided.

Your class fee of $14 includes access to the recording. (Can’t make it to the live class? No worries; I’ll send you a recording so you can practice when it’s most convenient for you.)



Move better, feel better: Private movement therapy sessions, live on zoom.

If you’re living with chronic symptoms like pain, tension, stiffness, or other discomfort … whatever your age and whatever the cause … a series of private movement sessions, tailored for your unique body and your needs, can make a world of difference. Click the button to drop me a line and we’ll find a time to talk about what you’re needing and how I can help you reach your goals. No yoga experience is required.



I was in near constant back pain and feeling hopeless. You were the first person who actually understood my situation and my need for small changes that could help relieve the pain. The work we did wasn’t a big ask and everything we worked on together was something I could do on my own throughout the week. In our sessions we did specific postures that met the needs of my body at that moment. I loved that it was individualized and we would talk through each thing. But the best thing was that you gave me the language to talk about my pain. Just gaining an understand and a vocabulary for my pain has been life changing.  It helped me improve my ability to notice the different kinds of pain I experience day to day and know how to respond effectively. Now I am better able to tell what is more serious and requires me to stop and rest and what is traveling pain that will subside with some movement. I have fewer really bad days because I’m standing and walking better and I now have the tools to address my pain episodes for instant relief. I recommend this for anyone who is seeking relief from pain but doesn’t want to be overwhelmed with advice and exercise.
— L., 46
The overall message of Kaplan’s classes [is this]: yoga looks different for each person, and anyone can use the practice to improve health.
— WTOP News: ‘Be in the present moment’: Accessible yoga classes in DC focus on overall health
Since I started working with Beth, I notice I’m feeling more  attuned to my body, not because I’m feeling more pain, but because I’m noticing the bones and the joints and how they move together.  I’m getting better at catching [pain episodes] sooner and responding to them more effectively. I’m gathering all these little tools and techniques that are making [living with chronic pain] feel more navigable. I’ve now had countless lived experiences of small, doable tweaks making a big difference in how I feel. I’m seeing my body as more capable than I’ve known it to be in over 15 years.
— Janelle, 28
Class today was full of all the things that are helping with my recovery. I am always amazed at the difference these micro movements make in the body.
— Steve M., 62
Beth’s yoga helps to open up my body, as well as my heart and mind. It’s calming and meditative and I look forward to every class, knowing I’ll leave more in touch with myself & my body.
— Kaden B., 28
Beth’s class feels personal. I always feel like she’s taking good care of me. My body is working but not overworking. After class I feel lighter, brighter and energized. Over time I’ve become more aware of my body and I feel a greater compassion toward others. Beth’s class gives me a sense of well being and an awareness of life on another level.
— Patricia B.
Beth created a space for me to connect with myself and just be. It sounds simple but it made a huge difference. Her Sunday morning class allowed me to ease into a deep calm and start the day feeling grounded and refreshed.
— Lara H.
Beth’s class is the perfect complement to my aerobic and strength training workouts during the week. It’s slower and reflective and it’s about taking time to listen to my body.
— Sarah H.
One of the most nourishing gifts you can give yourself is to simply hand over the reins to someone you know you can trust to take good care of you. Beth’s class was more restorative than a nap, more nourishing than a regular workout, and as simple as clicking a button on her site.
— Catherine
I trust Beth to provide a safe, welcoming experience for our community members. Her students benefit from the physical practice and from the social engagement she fosters in each class, helping each student feel included - even on Zoom. My own mother is one of Beth’s regular students!
— Frank L. Finamore, Jr., Executive Director, Cleveland & Woodley Park Village
Yoga4Caregivers is a safe space for all individuals who provide care to others. We depend on our volunteer teachers to provide expertly-crafted accessible classes that feel welcoming to our community members. Beth brings these qualities and personal warmth and compassion to her weekly chair yoga and reclined yoga classes.
— Jennifer Henius, Founder and CEO; Ellen MacKay, Program manager, Yoga4 Caregivers